Today’s uplifting news: a beautiful story comes from Cumberland County, North Carolina.
In a tale that seems like it’s straight out of a feel-good movie, Sunnyside Elementary School in California became the setting for an extraordinary event. Picture this: a group of excited third graders, eyes wide with anticipation, each receiving a gift that would make their day, month, and probably their entire school year. What was this gift, you ask? A brand new bicycle!

This wasn’t just any ordinary day at Sunnyside. The school had organized a unique challenge for its third graders. They were given a book titled “Think Big. Work Hard. Be Kind. No Excuses.” – a title that in itself is a powerful message for young minds. The task? Read the book and then express their thoughts and understanding through an essay. The prize initially announced was a chance to win one of three bikes. But the school had a surprise in store.
As the essay contest drew to a close, the students gathered, perhaps some hoping against hope that they would be one of the lucky three. But the school had something else planned. In an emotional and heartwarming twist, every single third grader was presented with a bike! The joy and surprise on their faces were priceless. It was a moment of pure, unadulterated happiness – not just for the kids but for everyone involved.
This event was about more than just giving away bikes. It was a lesson in kindness, the joy of giving, and the importance of hard work. Reading “Think Big. Work Hard. Be Kind. No Excuses.” and writing essays encouraged the students to think critically and express themselves. The bikes were a symbol of their effort and a reward for their hard work.

The effect of this event rippled through the community. Parents, teachers, and local businesses who contributed to the cause were reminded of the impact such gestures can have on a child’s life.
For the third graders at Sunnyside Elementary, this day will be more than just a memory. It’s a story they will likely tell for years to come. The day they all got bikes, the day their school showed them that hard work pays off, and the day they learned about the power of kindness.
The Sunnyside Elementary bike giveaway is a beautiful example of what can be achieved when a community comes together for its youngest members. Sometimes, the best lessons are taught outside the classroom, and the best rewards are those that encourage us to think big, work hard, and be kind, with no excuses.