Nestled in the captivating Andean mountains, a serene retreat stands tall, echoing the dreams and determination of one remarkable individual – Wendy Green. Leaving behind her suburban New Jersey life, where she’d devoted countless hours as a yoga teacher, Wendy set her sights on a unique life vision. Trading the confines of urban living for the untouched beauty of nature, she crafted a beautiful off-grid Wood Tower homestead in the UNESCO designated biosphere, spanning a vast 1700 square kilometers of wilderness.

Wendy’s story is one of profound transformation and unwavering determination. Her suburban New Jersey life was comfortable but lacked the deep connection to nature she yearned for. As a dedicated yoga teacher, Wendy spent her days helping others find inner peace and balance. Yet, she felt a growing need to seek her own sanctuary, a place where she could immerse herself in the raw beauty of the natural world.

Source: Youtube/Kirsten Dirksen

The Call of the Wild

The Andean mountains, with their breathtaking landscapes and rich biodiversity, called out to Wendy. This UNESCO designated biosphere, a sprawling 1700 square kilometers of pristine wilderness, offered the perfect canvas for her vision. The decision to leave behind the familiar comforts of New Jersey was not made lightly, but Wendy’s passion for a life intertwined with nature propelled her forward.

In the heart of this vast biosphere, Wendy found the ideal location for her off-grid Wood Tower homestead. The tower, a marvel of sustainable architecture, stands as a proof to her dedication to preserving the environment. Constructed entirely from locally sourced wood, the tower blends seamlessly with the surrounding landscape. Its design not only minimizes its ecological footprint but also maximizes the stunning views of the mountains and valleys.

Building a Dream

Creating an off-grid homestead in such a remote location presented numerous challenges. Wendy faced logistical hurdles, from transporting materials to the site to finding skilled labor willing to work in such an isolated area. However, her unwavering determination and resourcefulness saw her through these obstacles.

Wendy’s background in yoga and her deep understanding of balance and harmony played a crucial role in the design and construction of her Wood Tower. Every element of the homestead was carefully considered to ensure it complemented the natural surroundings. Solar panels provide the tower with electricity, while a rainwater harvesting system supplies fresh water. The homestead operates entirely off the grid, reducing its impact on the environment and allowing Wendy to live in harmony with nature.

A Day in the Life

Life in the Andean mountains is a far cry from the hustle and bustle of suburban New Jersey. Wendy’s days are now filled with the rhythms of nature. She wakes up to the sound of birdsong and the gentle rustling of leaves. Her mornings are spent tending to the vegetable garden, where she grows her own organic produce. The clean, crisp mountain air and the stunning vistas provide the perfect backdrop for her daily yoga practice.

Wendy’s connection to the land goes beyond the physical. She has developed a deep spiritual bond with the mountains and the creatures that inhabit them. Wildlife sightings are a common occurrence, from soaring condors to playful llamas. Wendy has become an integral part of the ecosystem, living in harmony with the natural world and respecting its rhythms and cycles.

Sharing the Dream

Wendy’s journey to create her off-grid Wood Tower homestead has not only transformed her own life but has also inspired others. She has opened her retreat to visitors seeking a similar connection to nature. Guests come from all over the world to experience the serenity and beauty of the Andean mountains. Wendy offers yoga retreats, meditation workshops, and guided nature walks, sharing her knowledge and passion for sustainable living.

The retreat has become a sanctuary for those looking to escape the stresses of modern life and reconnect with nature. Wendy’s story serves as a cue that it is possible to live a fulfilling and meaningful life in harmony with the environment. Her journey from suburban New Jersey to the Andean mountains is a proof to the power of following one’s dreams and the incredible rewards that come from embracing a life of simplicity and sustainability.

Source: Youtube/Kirsten Dirksen

A Vision for the Future

As Wendy looks to the future, she is filled with hope and excitement. She continues to explore new ways to enhance the sustainability of her homestead and deepen her connection to the natural world. Her vision extends beyond her own retreat; she dreams of creating a network of off-grid communities that prioritize environmental stewardship and sustainable living.

Wendy’s story is a beacon of inspiration for those seeking to break free from the confines of conventional living and embrace a life of purpose and harmony with nature. Her journey from suburban New Jersey to the Andean mountains is a powerful nudge that the path to true fulfillment often lies in the unlikeliest of places, waiting to be discovered by those brave enough to seek it.