Darren Jones is a middle-aged man who just got out of a mental institution. He has a funny voice and always looks funny. Jones discovered his talent for singing in the institution and the only audience he had were mental patients.

But now he is standing in front of the biggest names of the industry at an international show called Australia’s Got Talent. It’s safe to say that this man has no fear and a strong personality on top of that a lot of charisma under his sleeve.

However, when the music starts the expectations on him were very low and because of his soothing voice and his unique performance everything turns out great and everyone loved him especially the judges.

Judges didn’t take him seriously, but they Got MUCH more than they expected. WOW!
“I cried when I heard him sing it brought back so many memories from my childhood I love nat king cole and it just made all those emotions roll back in loved it!!!!!!“

Source: Youtube/nana443
You can watch Darren Jones’s performance right in the video down below: And don’t forget to SHARE this with family and friends.